The Georgia AWWA conducts our awards with the Georgia Association of Water Professionals (GAWP)

Click Here To Nominate


Questions regarding awards should be sent to Mike Melton at


William J. Greene, Jr. Award – The William J. Greene award is presented annually by the Georgia Section of the American Water Works Association in recognition of extraordinary loyalty to and support of AWWA through leadership, administration, encouragement, and other activities that contribute substantially to the success of the section.


George Warren Fuller Award – This award is presented annually by each section of American Water Works Association to a selected member for their distinguished service to the water supply field in commemoration of the sound engineering skill . . . the brilliant diplomatic talent . . . and the constructive leadership which characterized the life of George Warren Fuller. Nominate an awardee by April 10, 2025 in the following link:


Kenneth J. Miller Founders’ Award – The Miller Award is presented annually by the Georgia Section of AWWA and the Water for People Committee in recognition of outstanding service and leadership in advancing the mission of Water for People.


Golden Hydrant Society – The Golden Hydrant Society is an award society organized through the Georgia Section of the American Water Works Association (GAWWA) for the recognition of professionals in the drinking water industry. Each year, five nominees will be inducted into the society after first being nominated by a peer, followed by selection from members of the selection committee made up of the past year’s winners. For this first year, the selection committee was made up of GAWWA committee chairs for Distribution, Water Treatment, Water Loss, and Awards committees, as well as the chair of GAWWA.

This first year, twelve drinking water professionals have been selected into the Golden Hydrant Society:



Operators Meritorious Service Award – This award is presented annually to an individual who has distinguished themselves with special performance in one or more of the following areas:

  • Continuous compliance with public health standards in finished water.
  • Consistent and outstanding contribution to plant maintenance thereby prolonging the useful lives of equipment.
  • The development of new and/or modified equipment or significant process modifications to provide for a more efficient or effective treatment.
  • Special efforts in the training of treatment plant operators.
  • Special acts not directly related to water treatment, but which demonstrate dedication to the public beyond the normal operating responsibilities.
  • Consistent and outstanding contribution to operation and/or maintenance of distribution lines, pump stations, and reservoirs.

Nomination Form: Georgia OMSA Form 2023.docx
Past Winners: Operator_Meritorious.pdf
GAWP Page:


Silver Water Drop Award – The Silver Water Drop is presented to members in recognition of 25 years of service to the American Water Works Association.

Gold Water Drop Award – The Gold Water Drop is presented to members in recognition of 50 years of service to the American Water Works Association.


Lifetime Award – Life membership is granted to members 65 years of age or older with thirty years of service to the American Water Works Association.


Water Plant of The Year Award – Recognizes Municipal Water Treatment Facilities that have been operated in an outstanding manner (categories based on facility size). This award is given to the best managed, best operated facilities in the state of Georgia. To win this award not only is the score considered, but all aspects of the facilities, such as safety, maintenance operations, documentation, lab operations and industrial monitoring.


Safety Water Award – An annual award presented to a facility that promotes, encourages and produces a safe working atmosphere for each employee. Each plant is inspected on safe operations in areas such as, chemical handling, electrical, site safety and personal protection of the workers.


Distribution System of The Year Award – The purpose of these Awards is to annually recognize water distribution systems that have been operated in an outstanding manner.


Taste Test Award – Utilities compete for the Best Tasting Tap Water in Georgia. Utilities must not have incurred any state or federal drinking water violations (MCL, monitoring, recordkeeping, etc.) during the previous 12 months.


Champion of Diversity Award – Recognizes an organization that has created, promoted, and maintained diversity by establishing an environment that recognizes, encourages, and effectively utilizes each individual’s talents.